Final assignments

For your final activities, you will complete and submit three exercises for evaluation.

Exercise 1

Prioritizing stakeholders

Required files for submission:

  • completed individual exercise sheet (MS Word Doc or similar is acceptable)

Exercise 2

Preparing a pitch

Required files for submission:

  • completed individual exercise sheet (MS Word Doc or similar is acceptable)

  • group recording (only one person from the group needs to upload the recording)

Exercise 3

Scoping a Participant node

Required files for submission:

  • completed individual exercise sheet (MS Word Doc or similar is acceptable)

All files must be submitted in English. Include the assignment name and exercise number along with your name and group on all files submitted. For example:
  • Orange-Russell-Exercise1.docx

  • Orange-Russell-Exercise2.docx

  • (please compress the mp4 file)

  • Orange-Russell-Exercise3.docx

Contact if you have any questions.

Assignment submission

Please submit your assignment files using the form below. If you do not see a form, you can also visit the submission site in a new window.