Data Processing Pipeline

Author: Arman Pili

This is an example script that can be used for developing your own data processing pipelines. The script takes you through the process of downloading, visualizing and cleaning GBIF-mediated data. Remember that this script is only a tool and that, utlimately, it is you the user to ensure that the data is fit for purpose.

You can download the R Markdown document for your own use here - Lemur catta project. You will be redirected to another page. Right click and "Save as…​" to save the file to your hard drive. (If you save it as an .Rmd file instead of a .txt file you will benefit from the additional functionality that comes with that format when you open it in RStudio)

The following packages will be needed

library(rgbif)              #for downloading datasets from gbif
library(countrycode)        #for getting country names based on countryCode important
library(rnaturalearth)      #for downloading maps
library(sf)                 #for manipulating downloaded maps
library(tidyverse)          #for tidy analysis
library(CoordinateCleaner)  #for quality checking of occurrence data