Benefits of establishing a node

Establishing a node is one of the key commitments that Participants make in joining GBIF. It is important to understand the roles that nodes play within GBIF, as well as the benefits that nodes provide on the national level.

Read the sections on why Participant nodes are needed and the services that nodes provide in the nodes guidance document.
Why are Participant nodes needed?

Node services

Nodes typically provide services in four key areas:

  1. Services relating to coordinating the landscape of biodiversity-related initiatives including participating in the GBIF network

  2. Services relating to supporting biodiversity data mobilization

  3. Services relating to supporting biodiversity data analysis and use

  4. Services relating to biodiversity data management and curation

There are often existing institutions and networks within a country at the time of joining GBIF that already provide at least some of these services. Understanding this landscape can help in deciding where to position a new node, and what its priorities should be. The coordination role is often especially important.

After reading more about the services that nodes provide, consider if any of these services are already provided by institutions or networks within your country or organization, and which you would consider to be gaps. Keep note of this in your activity sheet.

Check your understanding

Quiz yourself on the concepts learned in this section. Click resolve to get instant feedback on whether you selected the right answer.
  1. Which of the following is NOT a typical benefit of establishing a Participant node?

    • Nodes help to raise the visibility of data publishing institutions

    • Nodes gain access to an annual budget from the GBIF Secretariat

    • Nodes participate in capacity development programmes and projects funded by GBIF

  2. Which of the following is NOT a service that Participant nodes typically provide?

    • Providing endorsement of biodiversity data publishers to be added to the GBIF network

    • Providing guidance on the implementation of GBIF work programmes in line with Participant priorities

    • Providing monthly reports to the GBIF Secretariat on data mobilization progress