Understanding GBIF’s value

The starting point for building a case for a country or international organization to formally participate in GBIF is to understand the value of GBIF as data infrastructure and an international network. In this section, we will explore GBIF’s relevance through a series of videos focusing on the contributions to research and policy thematic areas.

In this video (10:08) from the GBIF Impact and Action Symposium, 2021, GBIF’s Executive Secretary, Dr. Joe Miller, discusses GBIF’s relevance for science and policy. If you are unable to watch the embedded Vimeo video, you can download it locally.
In these six videos (<15:00) you will learn about the value of GBIF to different thematic areas. If you are unable to watch via the embedded Vimeo showcase, the videos can be downloaded locally.
In October 2018, the National Biodiversity Data Centre, Ireland, hosted the GBIF Governing Board meeting in Kilkenny. In this video (10:36), members of the GBIF Secretariat and Governing Board discuss GBIF’s relevance. This video is not available for local download.
After watching the videos in this section, keep note in your activity sheet of at least five rationale statements for why GBIF is of value to its Participants.