What is data publishing?
In this section, you will learn what data publishing is in the GBIF network. |
In simplest terms, data publishing is making your biodiversity dataset(s) publicly accessible and discoverable in a standardized format.

Most organizations within the GBIF Network, otherwise known as publishers, make use of an IPT, the Integrated Publishing Toolkit, to publish their data. These publishers may choose to host their own installation of an IPT like the Field Museum, but generally prefer to find a suitable host for their data publishing activities. This might be through an established GBIF Participant Node like GBIF France or through an established thematic group like VertNet. Or, a another option, might be to make use of one of the GBIF-hosted IPTs like the BID, BIFA or regional IPTs.
If you are part of groups like Symbiota or the Living Atlases Communities, they have other means to assist you with publishing your data to GBIF. |